Available now: Inclusive Core word reading books and resources suitable for students with low vision and with different learning styles and needs. Available too: A Teaching Guide specifically designed to create a common understanding amongst educators around the delivery and application of the Core words included in the reading books. The reading books are available in two formats: photo readers with large black- on-white print and illustrated readers with large yellow-on-black print. The content is identical in each format in order to create a fully inclusive experience for all students. These products offer an easier and less stressful reading experience for students with low vision, books that can be read in tandem with peers without vision difficulties, and a comprehensive literacy program that guides and offers teachers the necessary resources and strategies to include students with low vision and to cater for those without low vision. In addition, the reading books and the program are suitable for both mainstream and special primary schools. For further information, go to: veezeepublications.com
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