The Princess and the Pants

The Princess and the Pants

by Carla Voyageur
illustrated by Natassia Davies
Strong Nations Publishing, 2023
ISBN 9781771746038
$19.95, 24 pp, ages 5 – 8

The author was inspired by the fairy tale The Princess and the Pea by Hans Christian Anderson when she wrote this story to honour her grandmother. In this contemporary version, two children, while attending a traditional Indigenous celebration, are surprised to hear that their mother is a princess. She has never mentioned her royalty, and she doesn’t act the way the children think princesses generally behave. Remembering the story that told of placing a pea under mattresses to test if a person is a real princess, the children secretly place a pair of pants under their mother’s mattress and anxiously wait to hear if her sleep is affected. In the morning, they learn not only the truth, but also what it really means to be a princess.

Classroom Connections: The Princess and the Pants could be used in the classroom to compare different versions of fairy tales. It could also serve as a springboard into discussions about the personal qualities that the author wished to celebrate when she wrote this story. A short biographical note about Dr. Evelyn Voyageur—a notable Indigenous leader—is included. Beautiful illustrations depict aspects of a Kwakwaka’wakw culture.

Review by Diana Mumford.

This review is featured in Canadian Teacher Magazine’s Fall 2023 issue.

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