Harry’s Hiccups

Harry’s Hiccups

by Jean Little
illustrated by Joe Weissmann
Orca Book Publishers, 2018
ISBN 978-1-4598-1562-9
$19.95 (hc), 90 pp, ages 4 – 8

One day, young Harry Chung gets the hiccups and it seems nothing can cure them! Harry tries every suggestion—from his parents, neighbours, grandparents and friends—but nothing works. Jean Little interweaves culture and generation in a beautiful narrative dance which can be enjoyed by all ages. Readers and listeners are guaranteed to see themselves in this story and make a personal connection either to the variety of treatments suggested or in the multi-racial illustrations. While the text is nourishing to the mind, the pictures are enrichment for the eyes. Each page is bright, colourful, and filled with patterns and implied textures portraying indoor and outdoor environments. Readers will want to run their fingers over the pictures and young children will point out background details that add to the vividness of the storytelling.

Classroom Connections: Teachers could use this text as a read-aloud, as a way to introduce and examine different family structures, family cultures and traditions, as well as to engage a class in discussions of how they “cure the hiccups.” It’s also a great send-home story for families to read and discuss. The ending lends itself to predicting and creative writing where students could brainstorm or co-write the next few pages. Great for read aloud, independent reading (Grade 2 level), at-home reading (Kindergarten – Grade 2), discussion of family structures, cultures and traditions, personal connections, examination of artistic elements. Reading Comprehension Strategies: Predicting, Making Connections.

Review by Amanda Forbes.

This review is from Canadian Teacher Magazine’s Fall 2018 issue.

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