Keepers of the Pact

Keepers of the Pact

by Karen Kelloway
Nimbus Publishing, 2023
ISBN 978-1-77471-222-1 (sc)
$14.95, 196 pp, ages 8 – 12

Maritime author Karen Kelloway has written a mystery novel set in Brigus, Newfoundland and Labrador. Youthful protagonist Alistair Cook, with his friends Ben and Sadie, set out to recover treasure hidden in nearby sea caves. Instead, the trio finds themselves wrapped up in a centuries-old struggle between newcomers and ancient merpeople. The cast of supporting characters includes a rich businessman intent on capturing a mermaid for sale overseas and a small cadre of locals—including the village minister, lighthouse keeper, and Indigenous Spirit Talkers—all determined to prevent that from happening.

Classroom Connections: Despite its fantastic premise, the sub-themes this book addresses (the absence of important family members, worries about increasing responsibilities, and the destruction of sensitive habitats) are issues many middle schoolers would relate to. Kelloway has provided a map of Brigus at the beginning of the novel and ends the work with two pages of discussion questions and writing prompts for intermediate-aged students. Available in print and ebook, a portion of all sales go to school breakfast programs.

Review by George Sheppard.

This review is featured in Candian Teacher Magazine’s Spring 2024 issue.


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