I Can, Too!

I Can, Too!

by Karen Autio
illustrated by Laura Watson
Scholastic, 2022
ISBN 978-1-4431-9008-4, (sc)
$8.99, 24 pp, ages 5 – 7

From a very young age, both Kayla and Piper love to move! Whether they are gliding over the ice, pedalling their bikes, swooshing down the mountain, or at play on the beach, each child finds her own way to move. As Piper tries out her new skates, Kayla crosses the ice on her sled. While Piper hikes along the forest trail, Kayla uses her hiking wheelchair. Similarities and connections are the focus of this engaging book. The last two pages are titled “Amazing Ways to Move!” and include illustrations and descriptions of the various types of adaptive equipment featured in the story.

Classroom Connections: Through Kayla’s enthusiasm and enjoyment of the activities her friends enjoy, I Can, Too! demonstrates that people with physical disabilities can participate in all kinds of movement. Kayla accepts who she is and lives her life accordingly. Reading Strategies that could be highlighted are making connections and questioning.

Review by Brenda Boreham.

This review is featured in Canadian Teacher Magazine’s Spring 2023 issue.

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