3rd Annual Children’s Rights Writing Competition

Learn more here: https://rightsofchildren.ca/3rd-annual-childrens-rights-writing-competition/

Article 42 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child says that you have the right to know your rights. Adults should know about these rights and help you learn about them. 

Many children in Canada say they do not know about their rights. Even more children say that they don’t know that they have a right to learn about their rights. It is important for children to know their rights for their own protection and for their understanding of opportunities that are available to them. Having an awareness of children’s rights has also encouraged a number of child activists, including Autumn Pelletier, Malala Yousafzai, Shannen Koostachin, Iqbal Masih, William Kamkwamba and Greta Thunberg to make significant changes in the world.

This year’s question asks:

How can Canada do a better job to make sure children learn about their rights? Think of creative ways you would want to learn about your rights, and ideas for how adults (including teachers, governments, social workers, parents, etc) and children can both learn and teach rights.

Suggestions include but are not limited to: writing a short story, picture book, poem, play, or creating a song, a music video, a game, or describing what you would have on a poster about children’s rights. You can also do a proposal presentation, create a TV show or podcast, or develop a children’s rights book club and describe what books you would like to read to learn about your rights.

This year we are also allowing class or group projects with multi-media entries (i.e. podcasts, presentations, music videos, etc.). This will be a separate category with one winner.


  • Age 7-10
  • Age 11-14
  • Age 15-17
  • Group category: groups must be associated with a classroom & teacher. One winner overall.

Entries in both English and French are welcome. Due date: April 30, 2023.

Prizes generously donated by Indigo’s Foundation Love of Reading!

Winners announcement: May 31, 2023

Resources for teachers

Resources for children

Recommendations for competition:

  • This works really well as an in-person/in-class assignment
  • If possible, encourage children to do their entries at school
  • Suggested word limit: between 100-1000 words
  • What to include: a title, young person’s name/age/school/grade/contact info
  • Please note that we encourage teachers to read students’ entries before they are submitted.

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