My Art, My World

My Art, My World

by Rita Winkler with Mark Winkler and Helen Winkler
illustrated by Rita Winkler
Second Story Press, 2021
ISBN 9781772602142
$19.95, 36 pp, ages 6 – 8

My Art, My World is a collection of colourful works of art accompanied by descriptions and observations written by Rita Winkler, a young woman living with Down syndrome. Rita lives with her mother and works at a coffee shop at the University of Toronto. She also attends the Dani-Toronto day program. She enjoys her yoga and dance classes as well as listening to music and watching movies. Rita’s passion for life and great sense of humour shine throughout the book and will appeal to children and adults alike.

Classroom Connections: This book would make a great springboard to discussions about the unique capabilities of people with Down syndrome and their lived experiences. Reading Strategies that would lend themselves well to this book are making connections, questioning, inferring, and transforming.

Review by Brenda Boreham.

This review is featured in Canadian Teacher Magazine’s Fall 2022 issue.

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