Daphne’s Bees

Daphne’s Bees

by Catherine Dempsey
illustrated by Veselina Tomova
Running the Goat Books & Broadsides, 2022
ISBN 9781927917503
$14.95, 48 pp, ages 6 – 10

On her tenth birthday, Daphne is excited because this is the day she gets her very own beehive. She has been learning about beekeeping from her grand-mother, but now, instead of caring for her grandmother’s bees, she will have her own! With her father’s help, Daphne learns how to build a wooden hive box and prepare it for her bees. On a warm and windless spring day, they carefully transfer some bees from grandmother’s apiary into Daphne’s new hive box. Daphne visits her hive often during the summer, and her grand-mother teaches her how to be a good beekeeper. Daphne watches her bees all summer and when they settle down for the winter, Daphne enjoys the honey they produced and dreams about the spring.

Curriculum Connections: Young readers will learn about bees along with Daphne and share her joy in this natural wonder. A non-fiction section at the back of the book provides more facts about bees.

Review by Diana Mumford.

This review is featured in Canadian Teacher Magazine’s Spring 2022 issue.

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