YMCA Youth Exchanges Canada

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the YMCA Youth Exchanges Canada program. During that time, the program has travelled over 4 million kilometers to 493 cities and towns across Canada. The YMCA is proud to continue supporting youth across Canada as they embark on an exciting journey of self-discovery and cultural immersion.

This year, the program will be available virtually for youth between 12 and 17 years old to participate from anywhere in Canada. A virtual exchange program includes many elements of our traditional in-person exchange, providing participants an opportunity to learn more about Canada, connect with new people and develop new skills. Instead of travelling between communities, youth will develop and complete activities virtually, share their communities with each other, and build relationships via technology.

YMCA Youth Exchanges program is barrier-free thanks to the Department of Canadian Heritage. Funding for project costs is offered to ensure all youth get the opportunity to participate in the exchange experience.  These funds will be used to support the infrastructure of the virtual exchange program such as internet, cellular data, or a webcam, and will also fund activity related costs such as food and supplies.

To find out more please visit yec.ymcagta.org


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