Wolverine and Little Thunder: An Eel Fishing Story

Wolverine and Little Thunder
An Eel Fishing Story

by Alan Syliboy
Nimbus Publishing, 2019
ISBN 978-1-77108-728-5
$22.95, 40 pp., ages 5 – 8

When I first saw the cover of this picture book I was immediately struck by the rich and vibrant colours of the cover art which depicts the two main characters of the story on an eel hunt. My artist’s eye drew in the vibrant play of colour, shape, and style in the page design and depiction of character. Drawing on Mi’kmaw petroglyph tradition, Alan Syliboy tells about two friends of different backgrounds sharing their favourite pastime, eel fishing. There they encounter the great eel. Using his skills as a trickster, Wolverine captures the eel. More than a myth or legend, the story offers many entry points for discussion about friendship, personality differences, sharing, and problem solving. There is also a strong Indigenous message about environmentalism and conscientious consumerism.

Classroom Connections: This book is rich in useful material for language, Indigenous, and art programs. Alan Syliboy provides rich illustrations, each of which could be an individual art lesson. In one instance he uses geometrical design over a two page spread to depict three consecutive events. He sets each event in a separate triangle, circle, or square. Art teachers will also love the way shape can be used in a minimalist way to depict animals, characters, and the environment. Readers wishing to learn more about Indigenous art might even begin to investigate the ancient petroglyphs. Pick up a copy for your class library, but make sure it is added to your school library in the art and Indigenous studies section.

Review by Kent Miller.

This review appears in the Fall 2020 issue of Canadian Teacher Magazine.

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