The Horse of the River

The Horse of the River

by Sari Cooper
Harbour Publishing, 2019
ISBN 978-1-55017-877-7 (sc)
$12.95, 176 pp, ages 8 – 12

I really liked this book because it takes place in nature and it sounds like it could be a true story even though it is fiction. The story is about Gillian who goes to a camp and she rides horses. She gets carried down a waterfall and her horse, The Beast, saves her by dragging her out of the water to the shore. I liked the part where there is a story about the ghost horse Hunter. The story was told around the campfire and it was creepy. In the story there are big waves or a strong wind warning people that there is danger. My favourite character is The Beast because he is really funny. He is really stubborn when people tell him to do things. For example, when a rider wants him to go forwards he will snort and go backwards. Kids who enjoy reading longer chapter books would like this book and also kids who enjoy riding horses.

Review by Leela, age 10, grade 5.

This review is from Canadian Teacher Magazine’s Winter 2020 issue.

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