We Travel So Far…

We Travel So Far…

by Laura Knowles
illustrated by Chris Madden
Firefly Books, 2017
ISBN 978-1-77085-985-2
$19.95 (hc), 64 pp, ages 5 – 10

Twenty-six animals’ migration stories are highlighted in this picture book, with each animal’s journey told from its point of view and printed/ illustrated across a two-page spread. The text is creatively typeset, telling the story with imagery (e.g., curved phrases to mimic water and wind and bold text almost double the size of the regular print, all spaced to integrate with the illustrations). Children can flip to their favourite animals or read page by page, learning about each one. A map of the world and migration distance data finish the text.

Classroom Connections: Engaging images and simple text help fluent readers learn about different migrations including Caribbean spiny lobsters, caribou, Galapagos land iguanas, ruby-throated hummingbirds, and desert locusts. This book would be great for animal migration research, independent reading (Gr. 2 level), migration inquiry idea generation, stewardship of the environment discussions, and text publishing study. Reading Comprehension Strategies: Asking Questions, Inferring, Transforming.

Review by Amanda Forbes.

This review is from Canadian Teacher Magazine’s Spring 2019 issue.

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