In May at Schools Across Canada: Schoolyard Bird Blitz

Schoolyard Bird Blitz is a fun, annual May bird count at schools across Canada.

From the Bird Studies Canada website:

Is it a warbler? A robin? A Killdeer or hawk? Which feathered friends share your schoolyard?

Bird Studies Canada invites your students to explore the diversity of birds in your neighbourhood by participating in the Schoolyard Bird Blitz this spring! In addition to getting outside and learning about local bird life, students are ‘scientists’ responsible for conducting a survey of birds at their school and reporting the observations to Bird Studies Canada. The results help scientists study bird populations, and participating in this memorable activity could spark a love of birds and science that lasts a lifetime.

Last season, an impressive 152 species were observed. The top five most-reported species were: American Robin, American Crow, Red-winged Blackbird, House Sparrow, and Common Grackle. 

Learn more here:


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