Swimming with Seals

Swimming with Seals

by Maggie de Vries
illustrated by Janice Kun
Orca Book Publishers, 2018
ISBN 9781459813212 (hc)
$19.95, 32 pp, ages 4 – 8

I really like this book because it’s about a girl who loves to swim, just like me. I go swimming with my class. I didn’t really understand the story between the girl and her mum because the book never said where her mother went after they went swimming. One of my favourite parts was when she went swimming and she felt like a seal. When I go swimming I feel like a fish, a mermaid or a seal. I feel that I can do almost anything underwater and be free. Ally felt she could be free too and not have pressure on her shoulders because she wants to see her mum.

Other people who would like this book are probably people who like swimming such as synchro or competitive swimming. My friend, who swims competitively, would enjoy this.

Review by Lily, age 9, grade 4.

This review is from Canadian Teacher Magazine’s Winter 2019 issue.

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