100 Things You Don’t Know About Atlantic Canada (for Kids)

100 Things You Don’t Know About Atlantic Canada (for Kids)

by Sarah Sawler
Nimbus Publishing
ISBN 978-1-77108-567-0
$14.95, 130 pp, ages 8 – 14

Daring rescues, incredible inventions, exotic animals, impressive people, strange events, and more! Best for kids in Atlantic Canada, but with lots to offer to children all over the nation, this nonfiction text is filled with lots more than just history, culture and geography. Each page is formatted so kids can quickly find the province and a short summary about the entry in the heading. Children are sure to find something that interests them as they look at photographs, paintings, drawings and the “Fun Stuff” and “Learn More” text boxes in almost every entry. Well researched using a variety of libraries, archives and museums, the author even suggests family activities, trips or websites to encourage children to learn more. Since the entries are short and non-fiction, this is a must-have library book for both voracious and reluctant readers in your classroom!

Classroom Connections: Teachers can use excerpts from this book to support the study of non-fiction text features, to introduce the genre of biography, or as a research source for reports. Since the entries are short and there is lots of variety, this text would be useful in teaching reading and writing skills using the gradual release model. It would be great for reading aloud, independent reading, and language instruction and for the library. Reading Comprehension Strategies: Questioning, Making Connections, Visualizing and Transforming.

Review by Amanda Forbes.

This review is from Canadian Teacher Magazine’s Winter 2019 issue.

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