Tracker’s Canyon

Tracker’s Canyon

by Pam Withers
Dundern Press, 2017
ISBN 9781459739635 (pbk) / 9781459739659 (epub)
$12.99 pbk / $8,99 pub, 184 pp, ages 12 – 15

I really liked this book because it was filled with adventure and excitement. It really kept me in suspense wondering what would happen next. I could make quite a few connections with this book because of the main character’s love for the outdoors. It talked a lot about climbing and tracking in the wilderness which I like as well. My favourite character is Tristan because he enjoys outdoor activities like climbing and tracking. I felt like I related to this character in certain scenarios, especially when he was biking and mud splattered up his back just like it does whenever I bike to school. One of my favourite parts in Tracker’s Canyon is when Tristan was climbing down a waterfall and his guide pulled him into the waterfall trying to drown him. In this part I was worried about Tristan surviving and excited to see what would happen next.

This book is a good choice for anyone who likes adventure and excitement because it contains action-packed adventure. I would say that this book is intended for young adults.

Review by Brennen, age 13, grade 8.

This review is from Canadian Teacher Magazine’s Spring 2018 issue.

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