Knowledgehook for Math

Knowledgehook is a tool used in the classroom that benefits both teachers and students. Its focus is the improvement of math pedagogy, providing easy to use formative assessments, aligned to standards, in a format that resonates with students. Knowledgehook analyzes the academic performance of high school and elementary school students in real-time play and reports the data directly to the teacher. It gamifies math questions for students in a game show format, and learning gaps are immediately identified with its instructional guidance system. The tool turns to research-based practices to provide insights on how to effectively close gaps for struggling students. With this, students can gain a deeper conceptual understanding towards math with Knowledgehook, all while participating in an interactive activity in the classroom. Knowledgehook also provides useful tips for teachers, helping them to approach daily lesson plans effectively and to delve deeper into math problems to ensure student success.

For information on how to get started for free, visit

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