Hideaway Cove

Hideaway Cove

by Brenda Boreham
illustrated by Laura Timmermans
Strong Nations Publishing, 2016
ISBN 978-1-77174-133-0 (sc)
$12.95, 32 pp, ages 6 – 9

Hideaway Cove invites the reader to experience a day  – from  sunrise to sunset – in a cove on the Pacific coast, with the story beginning and ending with the words: “In this forever moment, nothing stirs. The only sound is the gentle lap of water along the shoreline.” A description of the time of day on one page is paired with the activity of an animal in the ecosystem on the facing page. Amazing watercolour illustrations depict animal interactions and the changing colours throughout the day. In each picture there is a clue to the featured animal on the next page. The reader not only learns the names of the marine animals but also their behaviours and appearances. Even more information is provided at the end of the book with facts about the Pacific coast eco-system. A labeled two page diagram of the cove’s sea life and a list of ways to respect marine life add to the understanding of this unique ecosystem.

Curriculum Connections: Hideaway Cove is a must have when teaching a seashore ecosystem unit. This book provides opportunities for students to share their connections with the seashore while they learn more about the interactions within the marine ecosystem. Students could select an animal that they would like to research, leading to a project based activity. Creating a timeline of the August day would be a great learning opportunity that would integrate mathematics, science, writing and art. Vocabulary and imagery lessons could be a focus with Hideaway Cove as well. If possible, taking students to the beach would provide students the opportunity to experience the book’s theme first hand.

Review by Cindy Haack.

This review is from Canadian Teacher’s Magazine Apr/May 2017 issue.

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