Explosion Newsie

Explosion Newsie

by Jacqueline Halsey
Formac Publishing Company, 2015
ISBN 978-1-4595-0401-1
$16.95 (hc), 32 pp, ages 7 – 10

An explosion rocked Halifax harbour on December 6, 1917 when one ship slammed into another. This picture book gives the point of view of Macky, a 9-year-old newspaper boy, from the day before the explosion to the week afterward. Macky might be the worst newsboy in town, but he proves himself in the end—helping others after the explosion, getting the news out, and even finding his lost brother!

Classroom Connections: Great for a classroom library, history lovers, older class/student read-aloud, differentiation in older History classes. This book could be used to support several reading comprehension strategies: Making Predictions, Making Connections, Inferring.

Review by Amanda Forbes.

This review is from Canadian Teacher Magazine’s Jan/Feb 2017 issue.

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