Make It! Write It! Read It!

Make It! Write It! Read It!

by Wendy M. L. Libby
Zephyr Press, 2015 /
ISBN 978-1-61373-030-0 (sc)
$16.95, 112 pp., teachers’ resource

As the title suggests, this book provides classroom teachers with step-by-step instructions for a number of simple book making projects. Appropriate for students from Kindergarten to Grade 7, these books require only the most common of classroom supplies: paper, scissors, glue, a stapler and a variety of coloured pencils, crayons and felt pens.

Part One of Make It! Write It! Read It! describes the construction of 20 different blank books. Arranged by level of difficulty (from a simple folded paper book with a cover to a more complicated stitched book) these projects can be selected by the classroom teacher to meet the wide range of abilities typically found in the average elementary school classroom. Part Two gives directions for making 23 specific projects using the blank book instructions from the first part of the book (Butterfly Life Cycle Book, Folding Dinosaur Book, Pop-Up Jungle Book, etc.).

Making books is a creative and fun way for students across the grades to develop literacy skills. Make It! Write It! Read It! is a helpful resource for educators looking for an interesting way to support their students to consolidate their learning in any curriculum area and to develop creative expression.

Review by Brenda Boreham.

This review is from Canadian Teacher Magazine’s Sept/Oct 2015 issue.

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