Nonfiction Writing Power

Nonfiction Writing Power
Teaching Information Writing with Intent and Purpose

by Adrienne Gear
Pembroke Publishers, 2014
ISBN 978-1-55138-293-7
$24.95 sc, 184 pp, teachers’ resource

In her first two books, Reading Power and Nonfiction Reading Power, Adrienne Gear focusses on the idea that when students read, they need to think. The main idea of her third book, Writing Power, is that when students write they need to invite their audience to think. Nonfiction Writing Power shares this focus and is the last book in the series.

Nonfiction Writing Power is designed to help classroom teachers (at all levels) create a writing program that focusses on six types of nonfiction: Descriptive Writing, Instructional Writing, Persuasive Writing, Comparison Writing, Explanation Writing and Nonfiction Narrative. As are the other three books, Nonfiction Writing Power is a clearly written and practical resource that provides teachers with background information, lesson plans, graphic organizers and lists of many wonderful trade books that can be used to support the lessons. I would highly recommend this book to all classroom teachers.

For information on Adrienne’s availability for workshops, a thorough explanation of the reading and writing powers, or for lists of trade books that support the teaching of the various reading and writing strategies, go to:

Review by Brenda Boreham.

This review is from Canadian Teacher Magazine’s Apr/May 2015 issue.

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