Buzz About Bees

Buzz About Bees

by Kari-Lynn Winters
Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 2013
ISBN 978-1-55455-202-3
$19.95, 48 pp, ages 8 – 12

Did you ever want to know almost everything about bees but were afraid to ask? Buzz About Bees doesn’t have every answer but this non-fiction science based book is a great place to start researching this very interesting insect. From recipes through health aids to detailed facts, this book covers the subject of bees and their global contributions. The author uses a variety of text styles including lists, charts, maps, labelled diagrams and photographs to keep the reader interested and engaged. One of the most interesting features of the book is a Q & A which shows a Caesar wrap and asks which of the contents are dependent on bees. The answers are later in the book and provide details on some of the foods that depend on bee pollination and their direct link to our food supply.

Classroom Connections: This is a book for the child inquisitive about the natural world, the living things that inhabit our environment, and how they directly affect our lives. The student presenting a research project, model, or report will find Buzz About Bees a perfect resource. The teacher creating a themed science corner in the class will want to add this book for children to discover on their own and use as a starting point for further independent investigation.

Review by Kent Miller.

This review is from Canadian Teacher Magazine’s Sept/Oct 2014 issue.

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