The Magnificent Tree

The Magnificent Tree

by Nick Bland
Scholastic Canada, 2013
ISBN 978-1-4431-1962-7 (sc)
$10.82, 32 pp., ages 3 – 6

I really liked this book because I like planting things and there are two magnificent trees in this book. Bonny’s idea was simple. Pop’s idea was so big he had to write it down.

One of my favourite parts was when Bonny and Pop made the metal bird because I like birds and it had an electric switch on it.

I would recommend this book to my Deda because he loves to build with electricity. It makes his heart crack (that means it makes him happy). I liked reading the book with my dad and my sister. She is three and she can say “The Magnificent Tree.”

Review by Luka, age 5, Kindergarten (scribed by his grandmother).

This review is from Canadian Teacher Magazine’s Sept/Oct 2013 issue.

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