Raising Boys in a New Kind of World

Raising Boys in a New Kind of World

by Michael Reist
Dundurn Press, 2011
ISBN 978-1-4597-0043-7
$24.99, 307 pp, adult

In Raising Boys in a New Kind of World Michael Reist explores the challenges boys face in our modern education system, which limit and often inhibit their academic and social success. Using anecdotes from his own experiences in teaching, medical research and the writings of leaders in this field such as Barbara Colorossa, Leonard Sax, and Michael Gurian, Reist reveals the unique world of boys’ physiology and how our current methods of education do not meet their needs, often leading to feelings of isolation, withdrawal and rebellion in the classroom.

This book creates a compelling argument to show that traits in boys often leading to resistance should be encouraged through a combination of empathy and character building which result in the development of confident citizens who can make positive contributions to our communities. But be warned this is a book that deserves a close reading accompanied with careful thought in order to avoid using the material to make a “quick fix.” The research is of the highest quality, and the mind of a boy complex.

Curriculum Connections: Teachers of single-sex classrooms, school administrators and community group leaders wishing to engage boys’ interest in their programs would find this book a useful tool in learning how to first communicate effectively with boys when dealing with difficult situations and then creating lessons and activities that encourage boys to develop their personal, social and academic strengths. For those educators interested in developing character education programs for boys there is a wealth of information and examples to help boys chose “right” actions which honour their unique place in our world.

Review by Kent Miller.

This review is from Canadian Teacher Magazine’s Apr/May 2013 issue.

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