Journey to Literacy: No Worksheets Required

Journey to Literacy No Worksheets Required

by Krista Flemington, Linda Hewins, Una Villiers
Pembroke Publishers, 2011
ISBN 978-1-55138-261-6
$24.95 160 pp, teacher’s resource

Journey to Literacy is a well organized and highly readable resource that honours the fact that young children learn best when they are actively engaged, as in play. It explains that in educational play (as opposed to self-directed play or organized play, e.g., soccer) the teacher structures the environment to make sure that learning will take place. The first two chapters suggest ways to create a positive learning environment and to engage the class in whole class literacy experiences. The next seven chapters focus on specific centres (drawing, reading, sand, water, etc.). Each of these chapters offer open-ended literacy activities, titles of books as well as useful templates, games and materials. Developmental mileposts are outlined in each chapter to guide teacher observations and to help document student progress.

This book is written for Kindergarten teachers but many of the literacy ideas and centre activities could be used throughout the early primary grades.

Review by Brenda Boreham.

This review is from Canadian Teacher Magazine’s Sept/Oct 2011 issue.

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