Cliques – Deal With It Using What You Have Inside

Cliques – Deal with it using what you have inside

by Kat Mototsune, illustrated by Ben Shannon
James Lorimer & Company, 2010
ISBN 978-1-55277-544-8
$12.95, 32 pp, ages 9+

This is the latest in a “Deal with it” series that aims to help adolescents cope with conflicts in modern life. Using colour, changes in print size and lots of illustrations throughout, the concept of “cliques” is explored in a format designed to appeal to the target age group. The difference between cliques and groups is established and popular myths are debunked. Quizzes and question and answer strategies help to present the information in a variety of ways. “Do’s and Don’ts” advice is provided for readers who consider themselves insiders, outsiders and witnesses. A “More Help” section at the end of this resource lists helpful phone numbers, websites, books and videos. Other titles in the series are Cyberbullying, Image, Bullying, Girlness and Peer Pressure.

Reviewed by Diana Mumford.

This review is from Canadian Teacher Magazine’s Mar/Apr 2011 issue.

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