Book Ends: A Year Between the Covers

Book Ends
a year between the covers

by Naomi Beth Wakan
Poplar Press (Wolsak and Wynn Publishers), 2010
ISBN 978-1-894987-42-4
$19.95, 254 pp, ages 14+

This book is for you if you love reading and/or want to expand the scope of your reading selections beyond your usual kinds of choices. Or it’s for any senior student who loves reading and would be inspired by reading another reader’s journal. Book Ends is a series of essays that chronicle a year in the author’s reading life. Naomi reads widely—history, science, spy stories, even graphic novels. In addition to the variety of subject matter and genre, what makes Book Ends so enjoyable are her often wry and honest comments about how the books she delves into relate to her life and her view of the world. Perhaps she will encourage you or your students to write your own reading journals or to make a reading list based on what you find interesting from Naomi’s year of reading.

Review by Diana Mumford.

This review is from Canadian Teacher Magazine’s Jan/Feb 2011 issue.

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