The Climate Challenge: 101 Solutions to Global Warming

The Climate Challenge
101 Solutions to Global Warming

by Guy Dauncey
New Society Publishers 2009
ISBN 978-0-86571-589-9
$24.95, 320 pp, ages 15+

If you have heard Guy Dauncey speak (on YouTube if not in person), you will know that he is an enormously upbeat, optimistic advocate for change who believes we can do what it takes to turn around the human-made climate change disaster. In The Climate Challenge, Dauncey provides an overview of the relevant issues of importance, and then outlines 101 ways to make change happen, organized according to who needs to get active: individuals, champions (of change), communities, businesses, farmers, transportation industries, energy companies, governments, developing nations and citizens of the world. He ends with an impassioned plea for each and every one of us to take responsibility, to join others to do something to ensure that life as we know it can continue to thrive on Earth. The solutions he puts forward are visionary, do-able and often based on initiatives already underway and proven, although sometimes small scale and scattered around the world. With a wealth of information provided in short, easily digested chunks, and lots of references for further investigation, this book is a valuable tool for any individual, school or community group wanting to get started on effective ways to contribute to a growing wave of climate change action. Pick up a copy and take the summer to browse its pages and come up with your own action plan.

This review is from Canadian Teacher Magazine’s May 2010 issue.

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