

by Heather Waldorf
Red Deer Press, 2009
ISBN 978-0-88995-426-7
$12.95, 342 pp, ages 14 – 18

Delve into Tripping and journey from Toronto across western Canada with Rainey as she joins WESTEX—a group of six students, two instructors and a driver as they embark on a summer adventure that provides lessons in more than just Canadian history and geography. Rainey’s plans for this venture are simple: to figure out her future— where she’ll study after high school and what she’ll do with her life. Then, on the eve of her departure, Rainey’s father informs her that her mother (who abandoned them when Rainey was just a baby) has, out of the blue, contacted him and lives a few minutes from one of the group’s planned camping spots. Now Rainey must decide whether or not she will make contact…. Each member of the group is dealing with more than just curriculum issues. Waldorf’s characters are wonderfully drawn; the antics and adventures are credible, life-altering and make for a great read. This book will have you searching for more by this author.

This review is from Canadian Teacher Magazine’s September 2009 issue.

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