Timesavers for Teachers (Book 1 and Book 2)

Timesavers for Teachers (Book 1 and Book 2)

by Stevan Krajnjan
Jossey-Bass, 2009
ISBN (Book 1) 978-0-470-39532-5
ISBN (Book 2) 978-0-470-39533-2
$39.95 ea, 280 pp/288 pp, blackline masters CD, grades K – 12

These two volumes of timesavers contain a wealth of reproducible pages designed to make a busy teacher’s life easier. Book 1 is a collection of forms to help organize every aspect of your day from timetables, lesson plans, homework, conferencing, keeping records of student progress to “things to do” lists. Book 2 contains report card comments (categorized as Positive, Positive/Negative, Negative and Next Steps) instructions and information for substitute teachers, awards and student passes. Included in the price is a CD that allows you to customize and fill in the forms on your computer, so you have the option of photocopying from the print copy or printing from the CD. Each page is self-explanatory and clearly laid up for immediate use. You will appreciate the thought that has gone into these resources, which were developed by an award-winning Ontario teacher, and you’ll want to keep them within easy reach!

This review is from Canadian Teacher Magazine’s May 2009 issue.

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