Yum: Your Ultimate Manual for Good Nutrition

Yum: Your Ultimate Manual for Good Nutrition

by Daina Kalnins, MSC, RD
Lobster Press, 2008
ISBN 978-1-897073-72-8
$16.95, 192 pp colour illustrations glossary, index ages 9 – 12

I am a firm believer in the saying “you are what you eat” and in the notion that good eating habits when you are young will help keep you healthy as you age (of course, you must continue to eat well throughout your life to maximize benefits). Reading labels and avoiding processed food shouldn’t be the responsibility of children, but since there are so many poor quality products on grocery store shelves, and adults don’t always do a good job of providing good food options, then we must try to educate children to take care of themselves. This guide to good nutrition will help spread that message to young people in a colourful, lively, age-appropriate way. Practical information about nutrients, requirements for good health, food labels, portion sizes and kid-friendly recipes make this guide a great resource for schools and classrooms that also believe “you are what you eat.” The author is a registered dietitian at The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto.

This review is from Canadian Teacher Magazine’s March 2009 issue.

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