Lemon the Duck

Lemon the Duck

by Laura Backman
illustrated by Laurence Cleyet-Merle
Lobster Press, 2008
ISBN 978-1-897073-74-2
$19.95 (hardcover), 32 pp, colour illus., ages 4 – 8

Lemon the Duck is born in an incubator in Ms. Lake’s classroom along with three siblings. Ms. Lake’s students, who have been studying oviparous animals, care for the ducklings and delight in their development. Although the other ducklings thrive, Lemon is unable to stand or walk on her own and is diagnosed with a neurological balance problem. Ms. Lake and her students adopt Lemon when the other ducklings go to live on a farm, and try to find ways to make her more independent. This delightful story of how a group of school children and their teacher care for a duck with special needs is based on a true story of the real Lemon the Duck. It has obvious applications for discussions about differences, the value of each individual and caring for others who need help, but it is such a great story with such wonderful illustrations, that children and teachers will love it for those reasons alone. For more information about Lemon the Duck and lots of ducky jokes and sayings, visit www.lemontheduck.com.

This review is from Canadian Teacher Magazine’s January 2009 issue. 

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